NGO Management - Indian NGO Funding Training Agencies Database

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Center for Rural Development and Planning.

Nuagaon Udambar Remuna
Balasore, Orissa
Contact: HARIHAR PARIDA ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: 9658956035

Activities: CSR
CRDP’s Mission
To work for deprived people for their upliftment and betterment with special emphasis on children and women and to provide them with livelihood opportunities and bring them into the mainstream of society.

CRDP’s Objectives
• To work about forming a trust and complete free from any type of descrimination where everyone enjoy equal rights and opportunities.
• To promote, organise and undertake research and programme for integrated rural development and improve the quality of life of rural people.
• To undertake all types of education, women awareness and women development programme for universe for Eradication of illiteracy.
• To ensure all possible assistance to the neglected through education, awareness training and community action programme. Integrating priciples of gender sensitivity and justice into all empowering interventions and working with women as a special category poor of the society.
• Enabling the poor to lay an assertive role in the governance system (panchayatraj) and a decisive role in the development affective them.
• Protection of environment and eco-generation for sustenance of existing world phenomenon Promotion of micro-credit enterprise among the rural/urban poor.
• Promotion and protection of child rights Rehabilitation of the victims in natural hazards and people in disbility condition.
• To study and undertake preservation and Management of cultural heritage and ethnic culture.
• Study and promote protection conservation and development of agriculture, forest wetlands, wildlife, animal resources

CRDP’s Vision
Each and every person is equal and has every right to live in this world with dignity. There should be no room for any discrimination whether it is in the form of gender, caste, religion or region.

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