Palamau, Jharkhand
Contact: Md Hashmat Rabbani ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: 9431159447
E-mail: gskvm@yahoo.com
Website: www.gskvm.in
Women/Gender,Children,Training,Tribal & Indegeneous,Organisational Devp,Health/Nutrition,HIV AIDS/SRH,Disaster Management,Physically & Mentally Challenged,Welfare,Capacity Building
Vision-Dreaming together for a better
world for all; (A caring, sharing
and self-reliant society founded
on the value of justice, peace
and love).
Mission-To eradicate poverty
and promote
self reliance by
improving the
quality of life of
the poor deprived
community through
meaningful socioeconomic
growth in all phases of life.
Goal-To make a society to
be self-supportive in all
respect through proper
and meaningful utilization
of available resources.