NGO Management - Indian NGO Funding Training Agencies Database

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NGO Portal is a comprehensive knowledgebase of NGO’s and Non-Profits from India and around the world.
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Handicapped orphans living yard workinf organization for rural development socie

26/483-8-13c,Burmacell, R.S.Road.
Kurnool, Andhra & Telangana
Contact: R.Rathna kanth ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: 9948178538

Activities: Women/Gender,Children,Education,Training,Health/Nutrition,HIV AIDS/SRH,Livelihood,SHG/IGP,Physically & Mentally Challenged,Slums,Welfare,CSR,Legal Assistance
Mission of the organization
Our mission is to restore the lives of orphans, widows, elderly people, empower Women, Youth & Children, especially focusing on to facilitate the integration of these children in their communities, by improving their quality of life, and securing their right to development organization and individuals who have a passion to help needy, parentless children, widows and old age people.
 To provide education, medical assistance, technical trainings, and rehabilitation to the Physically Disabled persons & orphans for equal opportunities.
 To promote literacy by organizing formal and non-formal education and training for the marginalized & downtrodden communities of the society.
 To promote livelihood, health, water & sanitation and food security.
 To reduce & stop the various incurable diseases and social misbehaviors.
 To help and enhance the rural poor men, women and differently abled persons in their development process.
 To act a resource and knowledge base centre.
 To alleviate poverty and to protect environment.
 To improve communities and bring changes in social economical and cultural aspect.

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