Dindigul, Tamil Nadu
0451- 2470843
Contact: Mr.G.ANTONY SAHAYA RAJ ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: 09047257421
E-mail: shanthiseva@gamil.com
Website: -
Women/Gender,Children,Education,Training,Sponsorship/Adoption,Health/Nutrition,HIV AIDS/SRH,Livelihood,SHG/IGP,Youth,Water/Climate,Welfare,Pollution/Waste Mgt,Human Rights,Legal Assistance,Capacity Building
A Healthy, Self reliant and Sustainable society with love, Justice, Fraternity and Peace.
Creating Awareness to oppressed people, children, Dalits and Sick people, on their oppressed status and empowering with various leadership traits and thereby enabling them to get organized as groups and federations so as to redeem themselves from various social, cultural, Political, health and environmental issues .
Organizing them into small groups, mobilizing their savings, linking them with government and financial Institutions and thereby developing their economic conditions leveling them up as successful entrepreneurs by promoting various groups enterprises among them.
capacitate them with necessary trainings on vocational and life coping skills helping the people to make use of the skills so as to increase their family income and thereby to promote the life style of their families and society.
Promoting them to take part in Panchayat Raj Institutions and scale up them as active panchayat representatives and enabling them to get them all their sanitary amenities rights and privileges from the local bodies, government and private institutions and govern them towards a total well being of communities.
Mobilizing the local as well as external resources, conserving them and other people’s agriculture and other livelihood resources and utilizing them optimum for the sustainable development of the people.
villagers because of insufficient transport facility from their interior villages.
Objectives of The Organization:
• To develop economically the families living below poverty line.
• To offer non-formal education to the drop-outs and child labour
• To provide training to the unemployed youths, boys & Girls and thereby empowering them to earn for their livelihood and to lead towards self-reliant status.
• To create awareness among the oppressed and marginalized people and empower them to solve their socio economic health and political problems by themselves.
• To ensure gender-equality by empowering the women to attain self reliance and sustainable development
• To render integrated community health care to women & children.
• To enable the people so as to conserve natural resources and to tap out the resources in government organizations and financial institutions and utilize them optimum for the sustainable development of the community as a whole.
• To create awareness among the oppressed and marginalized people and empower them to solve their socio economic, health and political problems by themselves.
• To promote in the life of weaker people and there by to redeem and develop the families living in critical poverty conditions.
• To capacitate the most vulnerable group of people in the community e.g. drop-out children, under-nourished children, chronic patients, handicapped persons, unorganized workers, women, and Dalits.
• To provide skill training to the unemployed youth, boys & Girls thereby empowering them to earn for their livelihood and to enable them to lead their life independently by themselves.
• To promote the landless laborers and their livelihood sources and to empower the women and Dalit to attain self reliance and sustainable development.