NGO Management - Indian NGO Funding Training Agencies Database

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19 Park Circus Glasgow G3 6BE Scotland UK
Central Dehli, Delhi
+44 7937462214
Contact: ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: Not Available
Website: Not Available

Dear Donation Recipient.
I am writing to you on behalf of Scottish Catholic International Aid Fund that is working for the cause of human development in third world countries. I am the principal program officer that is responsible for the overall donation to ngos for human development projects. SCIAF mission is to enable poor rural people to overcome poverty and Scottish Catholic International Aid Fund donate funds to the poorest of poor who have never even stepped into the hallway of a school, hospitals and have no excess to clean drinking water, lacking not just the money to enjoy these necessary basic amenities to an educational institute but also lacking houses for shelter. SCIAF will make donation to funding individuals, organizations, churches, industries and institutional bodies and other related sections that are willing to work in human development projects which each done would receive 950,000 Pounds as a free will donation
Nonetheless, as your objectives are captured on human development and supporting and encouraging social projects in order to achieve the goal of sustainability in rural communities, as you receive this mail, Scottish Catholic International Aid Fund shall be delighted to donate 950,000 Pounds to you to continue SCIAF mission in those poorest zones within your community. You shall be expected to work against violence on women and illiteracy in these rural communities and to improve standard of their income, provide schools for education standard, provide hospital for sick and old onces and to give hope and future in these communities.
Scottish Catholic International Aid Fund specifically support the work of non government organization in rural communities in order to help in the development of self help groups of farmers including small and marginal farmers, artisans, labor including agricultural labor and other service provider with special emphasis on women, youth, differently able and other disadvantage sections for accelerating the pace of rural development. Develop the poor through increase of food production. Build community hospitals and community schools and general well-being on a sustainable basis. Therefore, as you wish to involve in this social work kindly assist us by filling out the form below and send it to { } to commensurate the fund transfer.

- Name in Full.............. ....................
- Address.........................................
- City...............................................
- Country/Nationality.......................
- Marital status................................
- Occupation....................................
- Sex: ............................................
- Age........ ......................................
-Contact Mobile Number: ..................

The Scottish Catholic International Aid Fund thanks you in anticipation of your application to promote partnership and co-operation among the people, reduces prejudice, ignorance, disease and poverty, promote democracy and good governance, sustainable economic and social developments.

Father John Yatam
SCIAF - Scottish Catholic International Aid Fund
Address: 19 Park Circus Glasgow G3 6BE Scotland UK
Tel: +44 8712341152

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