NGO Management - Indian NGO Funding Training Agencies Database

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skylark education welfare society

297,first floor ,abkari road
New Dehli, Delhi
Contact: waseem ahmad ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: 07599111951
Website: Not Available

Activities: Education
To carry out all such activities as may be necessary for the welfare of the members of the society. Promote organization of forums such societies, mandals and association of Women, youth and workers with a view to undertake collective activities for socio-economic Development.
2. To arrange, home/shelter, food, cloths, and all necessary things for poor ad helpless, Children’s or old age men and women
3. To promote social progress and better standards of life and activity cooperate with government of India & other countries to promote education.
4. To organize and participate in cultural programmes to faster a spirit of
nationalization and achieve co-operation in solving various problems of an economics, social, cultural or humanitarian character and in promoting and encouraging respect.
5. To promote & educate Equality as well as Equity, International Integration,
Brotherhood, Nonviolence, Love, Peace, Justice, Protection & Promotion of
Human Rights for all.
6. To open, found, establish, promote, set-up, run maintain, assist, finance, support and for help the various community development programme activities and also construct and develop the Playground, Stadiums (both open and indoor), Community Halls, Marriage Homes, Dharamshalas, Night Shelters, Old Age Homes, Orphanage Health Care Centres, Charitable Dispensaries, Hospitals, Libraries, Reading Rooms, Yoga Training Centers, Gymnasiums, Sangeetalyas & Nrityalayas (music and dance training centers) Balwaris, Mahila Ashrams, Studios, Drama, Stage and other building institutions for use of General Public and for the welfare of the general public as per govt. rules.
7. To make correspondence in law full manner to arrange meeting, conference,seminars with the concerned government authorities for the solution of social civic/ cultural problems of members of the organization and general public.
8. Initiating schemes involving the rural poor, in particular women for harnessing rain water and stream flow, as also to recharge groundwater in order that the same may be used for the purpose of irrigation and drinking in areas where there is water scarcity. To establish and maintain of vocational, professional training institution for the handicapped students with the consent of concerned authorities.
9. To open institution for fine arts, computer, electronics, and provide special
vocational training for women such as cutting, tailoring, beautician, fashion designing, paintings etc.
10.To impart training to artist, skilled/semi-skilled workers and entrepreneurs about the Ferrocement Technology and arrange to issue licensing and certification to undertake and promote education, research, development, training and standardization in the area of computer networking and information technology as well as allied areas of communities.
11.To run a day care centre to provide all round education facilities to disable children.
12.To serve the educational needs such as Literacy, Moral, Cultural, Physical, Industrial and Technical etc. with this view to start schools, Colleges, Hostels, Libraries, Gymnasiums, stipends, efficiency certificates, etc.
13.To make available technical and commercial education in as many fields as
possible to devise ways and means and accord facilities for candidates to specialize in all or any of the above courses.
14.To impart education of foreign languages, literature, culture and education to Indian students; and to impart the education of Indian Regional languages in Hindi, urdu, knowledge of Indian culture, fine arts, sculptures, computer, music, painting, dance etc on the basic of this education, to provide certificate, diploma, advance diploma, graduate

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