NGO Management - Indian NGO Funding Training Agencies Database

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NGO Portal is a comprehensive knowledgebase of NGO’s and Non-Profits from India and around the world.
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Howrah, West Bengal
Contact: SAYAN DE ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: Not Available
Website: Not Available

Activities: Forest & Environment,Women/Gender,Children,Education,Training,Health/Nutrition,HIV AIDS/SRH,Youth,Welfare,Others,Pollution/Waste Mgt,Human Rights,Capacity Building
Aims & Objectives: -

The objectives for which the Society is established are –
a)To keep close relation among the members of the Society.
b)To improve the social and cultural life of the people of rural area by organising various social and cultural functions from time to time, arranging cultural meets in domestic level, teach and educate rural poor children and distribute books, pencils, cloths, foods, shelter among them.
c)To develop the social and educational condition of women by giving financial aids and moral support to the poor girls in rural areas to encourage and promote higher education among them.
d)To promote and inspire rural women more and more into the Sports and cultural activity.
e)To open main stream library as well as digital library, free tuition classes, free computer learning institutions, skill developing training centres, computerised smart primary schools for rural poor and street children for betterment of the social and cultural future of rural area.
f)To develop Socio-Cultural condition of minorities in our localities.
g)To help the society people in many ways as possible by helping in funeral, widow marriage, poor girls’ marriage and help them in all ways.
h)To help the poor people of the society with free dispensary with free medicines and check-up with fair doctors.
i)To help the society with well development, water supply, poor fresh latrine, pollution free campaign, environmental activities etc.
j)To all such other things as may be deemed incidental or conductive to the attainment of the forgoing objects.
k)To keep the locality and resist against any anti-social activities and open Blood Donation Camps and Health Check-up Camps.
l)To help the poor people who are affected with (HIV) AIDS seminar.

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