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Human Life Sosiety

Sagar Market Motilal Road Deoria
Deoria, Uttar Pradesh
Contact: ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: Not Available


The Human Life Society, is a non-profit, non political voluntary organization established in the year 2011 and Reg. No1452/2010-11. Registered in the 13th Jan 2011 under society Registration Act, 1860. At Address; Sager Market Moti Lal Road Deoria 274001. Utter Pradesh. India. Human Life Society has received Exemption under Section 80-G [5] [VI] of the Income Tax Act, 1961 vide order No. AA0,AA0/GO0/80G/2012-13/1687.Dated 26th FEB. 2013. Issued . & has received Exemption under Section 12AA [I] [b] [i] of the Income Tax Act, 1961 vide order No. AA0,AA0/GO0/12A/2012-13/1687. Dated 26th FEB. 2013 issued by the Office of the Income Tax Commissioner Gorakhpur Utter Pradesh. INDIA.It was established by a group of like-minded social workers who are working Experience & activities, in varies field Like.Health, Digital literacy,Skills-Development & Employment Generation,Skills-training,programmers,Environmental Protection, Livelihood Development, Renewable Energy, Women Development, Child Right & Protection, Social Justice and Human Rights, Social issues Awareness, Old- Age Home etc.
The people need to be given the appropriate opportunities and they need to be motivated. So ,the organization works with a view to help the helpless urban & rural poor community through various developmental activities.
The primary objective of the society is to improve the quality of lives of people-primarily those people who are marginalized, disadvantaged and underprivileged and the concern for the protecting the resources and environment.
This is indeed a closeal task. Our national and state governments, even after 63 years of independence with massive resources under their disposal, have not been able to achieve many areas. Human Life Society receiving Donation fulfilled to All above activities with Participate Work with Community public privet Partnership Working Organization [CPPP], Domestic & Personal Donation Fund, Mothers NGO,Trust, National & International funding agency, CSR Company, State & central govt. of India.

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