NGO Management - Indian NGO Funding Training Agencies Database

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Ganjam, Orissa
Contact: SAROJ RANJANPATNAIK ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: 09437261829

Activities: CSR

A. To take steps for providing non-formal Education to weaker section of the Society.
B. To take steps for raise voice against social injustice.
C. To take steps for providing reasonable legal aid and advice to the weaker section of peoples.
D. To provide necessary Education to the people for eradication of Environmental pollution.
E. To take steps for different socio-economic programs to create self-employment opportunities.
F. To organize N.G.O. programmes and 20 point programmes of Government with Gandhian Principle like peace and Non-Violence.

G. To organize anti-drug movement and programmes for construct a drug free society.

(i) We make social sanitation centers.
(ii) We provide movable sanitation system and ambulance facility in Rural and Tribal Areas.
(iii) We organize free eye check-up and operation camps.
(iv) We organize free teeth check-up and operation camps.
(v) We organize AIDS rehabilitation centre and programmes
(vi) We organize Polio programmes.

(i) We organize the programmes to save Forest and Forest products.
(ii) We organize the programmes to Educate and develop consciousness for construct pollution free society.

(iii) We organize the programmes for social plantation.
(iv) We provide tube well facilities in rural and tribal areas.
(v) We provide P.H.D. water facility wherever it is necessary.

(i) We organize adult education centers.
(ii) We organize night school for all parts of the society.
(iii) We organize weekly school for SWAKHYARA only.
(iv) We organize residential schools in tribal and rural areas.
(v) We organize GURUKULA ASHRAMA in tribal and Hilly areas for the BANAVASIs.
(i) We organize horticulture farms.
(ii) We organize HASTA SLIPA CENTRE in rural and tribal areas.
(iii) We organize furnished product center of forest production.
(i) We organize Anatha Ashrams for Orphanns.
(ii) We organize Old age Care Centre for Olders.
(iii) We organize Widow Care Centre for Widows.
(iv) We organize Child care Centre for Children.
(v) We organize First Aid Centre for all parts of the society.
M. We promote Education, Art, Culture and take other programmes those are highly needed for needy people.

N. We help the needy during the natural calamities.
O. We take-up social plantation programmes for green revolution
P. We create sympathizer and well wisher body.
Q. We organize the programmes related to environmental education.
R. We organized child welfare programmes in tribal, rural and urban areas.
S. We create ideal hostel for students and youths.
T. We create water resources centre and rural development in rural and tribal area.
U. We make libraries for cultural, political, and historical and physiosophical development of our society and tribal empowerment and livelihood programmes.

V. We organize seminars, conference and exhibition programmes to development intellectuality and leadership quality of our society.

W. To participate and affiliate in all other states, national, international organizations meant for human welfare and assistance to poor section of the society.

X. We organize athletic meet to create BHATRUTWA BHABA of our society.
Y. To establish, promote, popularizing, production and research of herbal medicines, aromatics and social marketing.

Z. (i) To organize, equip and maintain medical centre, medical camp etc. thereby rendering medical aid to the needy and poor people.

(ii) To set-up printing and publishing establishments to print and publish of news letters, brouchers, souvenirs, periodicals and books to highlight the news and ideological views of organization in the aforesaid matters in the society / masses at large.

(iii) To finance and contribute to the maintenance of any institution, hostel library, hospital, clinic, community halls, cultural centre and orphanages.

(iv) To donate, provide and/or distribute articles of daily use and necessities for life such as foods, clothing, books, medicines etc. among the poor and victims of natural calamities such as famine, epidemics, fire, flood, earthquake, etc.

(v) To establish, found, initiate, run, manage, assist and/or open any research centre to undertake scientific research, medical research, educational research technological research, agricultural research, ecological and water research industrial research, research for rural development, research in animal husbandry and life science and research of any other kind meant for the common good of mankind and to establish any trust, society / organization or institution meant for any of such purposes.

(vi) To set-up awareness and implementation and rehabilitation programme of cruelty against animal and plants.

(vii) To organize, establish to all round development of women’s, child and humanitarian service of the destitute and suffering needy.

(viii) To propagate, promote, animal husbandry, cattle feed & food programmes.

(ix) To propagate & promote development and social marketing of the indigenous products and handicraft handlooms and cultural centre.

(x) To set-up conservation of forestation, plantation, fresh water ocean, flora & fauna habitats.

(xi) Developing, implementing and training programme for all round social reform and to provide practical operational support to project and programme of poverty reduction, mass literacy, resettlement, career development and other participatory developments.

(xii) To implement agriculture, horticulture, floriculture and its allied service and socio co-operative and all type of social development programmes.

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