NGO Management - Indian NGO Funding Training Agencies Database

NGO Portal is a comprehensive knowledgebase of NGO’s and Non-Profits from India and around the world.
It contains a wealth of information regarding NGOs, NGO management, finalcial and legal aspects.
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NGO Portal is a comprehensive knowledgebase of NGO’s and Non-Profits from India and around the world.
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"Abhinandan" A-7(P) Biada Housing Colony Bokaro Steel City- 827012 Jharkhand
Bokaro, Jharkhand
Contact: Mr Sanjay Choudhary ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: 8235266818

Activities: Agriculture,Forest & Environment,Women/Gender,Children,Education,Training,Tribal & Indegeneous,Micro Finance,Sponsorship/Adoption,Organisational Devp,Research & Doc,Health/Nutrition,HIV AIDS/SRH,Livelihood,SHG/IGP,Disaster Management,Artisans,Physically & Mentally Challenged,Aged,Youth
Samaj Hit Kalyan Samiti is a non-governmental organization having a legal status in the country registered under Societies Registration Act 21 of 1860 and Bihar Society Registration Act, 1965 adopted by the State of Jharkhand and as amended by notification No. 726 , Dated: 18-11-2005 for its operation along with Registration No.337660002, Dated: 11/01/2002 under FCRA 1976 .
SKS establishes partnership and builds network and liaisons with common people, like-minded national and international development agencies and educational institutions with the primary objective of connecting their domain expertise, resources and strengths with its own development initiatives. It operates at different level including Community-based/grassroots, Local, Sub-national (i.e. province, state), and Regional and National Level.
The Samiti intends to ensure awareness at the grass-root level by engaging the social actors and organising various capacity building program for different categories of people to empower them to know their rights and ensure economic empowerment for a better society.

Creating awareness and advocacy about the rights and ensuring the development of all, women in particular at the grass-root level.

SKS is managed by a group of individuals from diverse backgrounds and expertise. The board is formed for a period of few year and a few independent members of eminence and reputation are nominated each year. Members of this board meet once every quarter.
Executive Members Committee are as follow:

Member Name Designation
Mr. Sanjay Choudhary President
Mrs Pratima Sinha Secretary
Mr Narayanan Ramanujan Treasurer
Mrs Mahima Singh Executive Member
Mrs Sima Mishra Executive Member

Aims & Objectives:
a) To empower the human being through dissemination of knowledge, information and provide free educational facilities through various systems of formal, non formal, Adult social and spiritual institutions and all other methods of education using both ancient and modern techniques and systems.
b) To aware, Educate and Empower the general masses for action towards Eco-restoration, Environmental protection and against threats of all kinds of pollution.
c) To start and accelerate sustainable and holistic developmental process with participatory approach.
d) To undertake free developmental work in the fields of agriculture, horticulture, forestry, herbal plantations & preparations, Aquaculture, Nature care, Animal husbandry, amenities and allied activities embebbed with health & hygiene, Environmental protection and ecological sustenance.
e) To create and provide the opportunity for various sections of the society through developmental activities, services rendered to various organizations involved in promotion of Agro forestry, Art, Literature, Culture, Science & Technology & Communication.
f) To provide free training to SC, ST, OBC & General Men, Women and unemployed youths of weaker sections and slum people in different trade like book binding, sewing, cutting, knitting, toy making, painting, embroidery, candle making lather works, pickles making, preparation of jam and jelly for their self & economical development.
g) To educate people for the eradication of social evils like dowry system, child marriage, drug addiction and system of child labourers.
h) To provide relief measures to the needy affected persons during natural calamities like flood, fire, famine and earthquake.
i) To make people health conscious by providing primary health education and make them aware of false notions and stigma attached to diseases like T.B., Leprosy, Cancer, Kalazar and AIDS and for this pupose establish free health checkup camp, pulse & polio drop distribution centre, family planning camp, eye camp and vaccinations camp in the rural & tribal areas.
j) To provide free training of small scale, vocational, cottage industries, handicraft to unemployed youths & women, widows, handicapped persons, for their self employment.
k) To establish & manage free libraries, reading rooms, common rooms, Anganbadi, Balbadi centre, old age homes, orphanage homes for the benefit of SC, ST, OBC and General men, women and children of all communities.
l) To organise seminars, debates, conference and meetings for the purpose education in the area of basic health, drug abuses, rules of health and spiritual development on free of cost.

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