NGO Management - Indian NGO Funding Training Agencies Database

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Dayanad Adresh Vedic Educational and Welfare Society

153, pkt-12, sec-21 Rohini Delhi-110086
North West Dehli, Delhi
Contact: Secretary ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: 7840861114


NGO D.A.V Educational and welfare society in involved in various youth Women and communuity Welfare activities like vocational, educational and awareness programme tanded from various states Govt and fund generated Central Govt..from the public in the poor locality in Sultan Puri for the upliftment of the poor boys,Girls and ladies. At present the following Training and Vocational Training Praogramme on being run by the Society. 1.Computer Training 8. Dots center 2.Cutting ,Tailoring and Embroidary 9.General O P D Kirari 3.Beauticulture and mehandi 11. HRC North West For Help the Homeless people 4.O P D For Senior citizen, Sultan Puri 12. Night Salter 5.Jewellery Making 13. Tution for 6th to 10th Class 6.Recreation Center for senior citizen14.Electrician,Mobil Repair 7.Immulization for childern &women ing,plaumber Insprite of the above Vocational Training Pogramme . The Society has taken up Health Progrrams also.Dots Center and immuliz- ation Programe for Childern,HIV/AIDS,LEPROSY, OPD FOR Older Person Every Monday.&General OPD in Kirari Monday to sat.

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