Dinesh Smriti, Near Chhatrasangha
West Tripura, Tripura
Contact: Dhiman Daschaudhuri ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: 09436125214
E-mail: dhiman.neh@gmail.com
Website: www.arpansociety.in
Agriculture,Forest & Environment,Women/Gender,Children,Research & Doc,Health/Nutrition,Livelihood,Water/Climate,Pollution/Waste Mgt,Human Rights,Legal Assistance,Capacity Building
Our vision is to achieve a value – oriented sustainable society based on social orientation, economic growth, local capacity building and empowerment of people for a complete social transformation. ARPAN Society’s mission is to aware the poor & disadvantaged people about their health, education and basic rights, assist them to recognize and improve their potentialities through skill formation, knowledge sharing and transfer of technical knowhow, guide them to generate economic benefit for promoting sustainable development in economy.