128 Shivdaspur
Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh
Contact: Bhanuja Sharan Lal ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: 09936831941
E-mail: msvs_vns@yahoo.co.in
Website: www.msemvs.org
Capacity Building
Vision:Envisage a society that journey towards a fuller humanities.
Mission: Initiatives that empower people and enhance the transformation of society ever striving towards building on inclusive, participatory, harmonious and just society.
Objectives: MSEMVS Varanasi has tried to take the responsibility for empowering vulnerable people through community development with following objectives:
(1) To eradicate bonded labour & Human trafficking through mobilizing local Powers.
(2) To provide social justice & economic equality to woman & exploited in the society.
(3) To provide new income earning sources by the developing new Technology in to traditional handicrafts and promotion of khadi related programs.
(4) To provide education, health, employment to the vulnerable people & brings them in to the main stream of society and to developed self independent among youths.
(5) Try to maintain peace & harmony in favour of society & nation.
(6) To create an enabling enviornment in favour of PLHA and promoting preventive measures for HIV & AIDS.