Sarda Bhawan, Chotkimuram Ramgarh cantt.Distt,Ramgarh
Ranchi, Jharkhand
Contact: NP Singh ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: 09431146129
Agriculture,Children,Education,Micro Finance,Others
Social Action for Rural Development (SARDA) is a multi dimensional non governmental organization (NGO) registered under Societies Registration Act, XXI of 1860. SARDA has been paid quite significantly since previous eight years; the organization has under gone different phase from field implementation to planning. Initially the focus was to strengthen field activities through addressing issues like Community based natural recourse management, Women empowerment, Environment & Sanitation, Rural Livelihood Promotion and Micro Credit etc. simultaneously sharing own experience with other like minded organization as well different line departments. SARDA have been established as a specialized and professional NGO capable in implementing & managing the anti-poverty programs of Ministry of Rural Development (MoRD) and also to relate effectively these to the over all effort of poverty eradication. Slogan of SARDA : Illuminating Rural India Legal Status :Registered under Society Reg.Act.XXI, 1860 Registration No. :135/2002-03 Dated 28/02/2003 (Ranchi, JH) Year of Establishment :2001 Administrative office: Sarda Bhawan, Chotkimuram Ramgarh cantt.Distt,Ramgarh (JH) Pin:829122 T.N.06553-226482, 09431146129, 0983533779 E.mail: Websites: Income Tax Related: 1. PAN no. AADTS1984N dated 28/02/2003 2. 12A&12AA of the IT Act. 1961 – CIT/HZB/Tech/12A-30/2004-05 3. Exemption u/s 80G of the IT Act, 1961 – CIT/HZB/Tech/80G-07/2008-09 4. TAN of the IT Act. 1961 – RCHS02406F Area of Operation: Whole of Indian Territory Presently Working Area: 1. 24 districts of Jharkhand state 2. 02 districts (Nawada & Aurangabad) of Bihar state 3. 02 districts (Gondia & Bhandara) of Maharashatra state 4. 01 district (Balaghat) of Madhya Pradesh state Total No. of field office: 16 RESOURCES WITH ORGANISATION Fixed Assets 1. Land : 1.00 acre 2. Rural Development & Research centre ( in 1.00 acre area) at Ramgarh (JH) 3. Head office - 3000 sqt. 4. Four wheeler : 03 5. Two Wheeler : 17 6. Training equipments: 2 sets with LCD 7. Desk Top & Lap Top with all accessories: 16 8. Digital & Video camera: 10 MANPOWER WITH ORGANISATION S.N. CATEGORY FULL TIME PART TIME TOTAL NO. 1 Professional* 12 04 16 2 Para-professional* 10 00 10 3 Social engineer: 18 00 18 4 Supervisor: 25 00 25 5 Volunteer 00 30 30 6 Administrative staff 08 03 11 Total 73 37 110 * young, experienced and enthusiastic professionals who not only belong to the region but also have competence to work in such diverse fields as agriculture, environment, women empowerment, micro finance, marketing and other area of rural development. Organisation’s Vision and Mission Vision : “Empowerment of deprived peoples or communities to manage their resources in a professional and eco- friendly manner.” Mission : “To work for socio-economic development of the deprived peoples through Direct Action and Resource Support Project. ” Aims & Objective: SARDA aims for all-round development of the villages by providing, • Formation of Self Help Groups and self-employment opportunities to women & men. • Technical and Social support for utilizing the natural resources like Land, Water, Forest, Animals & Agriculture (Crop management, Horticulture, Cottage Industries). • Infrastructure development such as Community Irrigation Well, Community Drinking Water Well, Handpump, Lift Irrigation, Housing, Community Hall. • Providing microfinance, training and developing enterprenering skill to rural communities. • Developing human resources by establishing Schools, Technical & vocational institutions.