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Gopinath Juba Sangha

Gopinath Juba Sangh( GJS) established in the year 1974 & led by late Baikuntha Nath Mishra, Social Activist of village Alisisasan, Khordha district and few youths. Subsequently, a group of dedicated & experienced hands joined together to serve the under privileged society in different rural villages of Puri and Khordha districts. Since the inception, the organization has been continuing the support to the poor and deprived sections through need based activities /programs/intervention like establishment of formal schools, Non-Formal education centre, pre-primary education centers, crèche program, adult education program, Mini family welfare program, socio economic development program, community development program, urban health program, low-cost housing and sanitation program, house hold toilets under TSC, awareness program, capacity building of different stakeholders, organize various camps/meetings/seminars/consultation on different issues, disaster mitigation program, women development program etc. GJS also involved in various policy making bodies and networks at Block, district, state and national level. Vision: Empower the community through participation involvement and equitable distribution of opportunities which will ensure a bridge between haves and have-nots’ in our society. Mission: To discover the disadvantaged community, organize them and chalk out plan to redress their need and ensure sustainable development by judicious use of human resources.

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