NGO Management - Indian NGO Funding Training Agencies Database

New Age Education Society

  About  Us :

Our  core  acivities:  We  run  five   numbers  core  units  to  carray out  our  core  activities .

1)NAIER-( New  Age  Institute  of  Education  & Research)Conducting  E  Learning  and distance learning  programmes  on  various  courses .

2)NAPL-( New  Age Public Library)Running  both  E  Library  and General  libraries .

3)NAPA-( New Age  Publishing  Agency)Conducting  various  publication  works,  specialy CD,DVD  and  E Books .

4)NAAM-(New Age  Alternative Medico)Conduct  various  health  camps  , health  awareness  programmes  for  peoples .

5)NAPC-New Age Placement Consultancy .( Provides  career  and  Job  opertunity guidance to  Job  Seekers ,  specialy  in  NGO  sector .

Our  projects:

Master  projects: We  run the  following  master  projects:

1)      Facilitating  in  formation  of  SHGs  in  rural  area  for  innovative  livelihood programme of  poor peoples..

2)      Conducting  health  awareness  programmes/arranging  health  camps .

3)      Conducting  short term  vocational  training programmes . 




Funding  projects   :

Allready  we  have  no  any funding  projects. We  try  to  initiate  number of    funding  projects according  to  requirement  of  funding  Agencies .   


Our  Members:

We  accept  Financees,Associate Members  and  Francises  to  be  associated  with  us .

Financees:  Investors  who  are  interested  to  invest in  social  enterprise   may  join  as  our  Financees.

Associate  Members:Professionals who  are  interested  to  work on our  master  projects    as  per  condition  may  join  as  our  Associate Members .

Franchises: Peoples   interested  to  participate in  our  funding  projects  may  join  as  our  Franchises     

Advantages  of  Associate members:

The following  facilities  are  available  to  al  asoociate  members.

1)Time  to  time  availability  of  living  allowance .

2)Opertunity  of  scholarship and  fellowship  to  eligible  members .

3) Opertunity  of  foreign trips  to  attend  international  conferences .

4)Free  library  opertunity.

5) free  E-journal  and  news letters .

6) free  training  on  volunteering and personality development .

An  associate  member  is eligible  to  stand  for  election  of  Executive  Body  in  every   tow  years .

There  is  promotional  prospect    for an  associate  member   up to  C.F.  of  this  organization .


Our Staffs: 

Executive staffs: Chief  Executive  director  is the  head  of  the  staffs . He  is  also  supported  by the  Fund  raising  Manager  and  General  Manager .

Working  staffs: Number  of working  staffs  are working  in  our organization   to  carray out  various  functions  both  official  works  and  field works .  


We  welcome francisees  to be associated  with  us .

Franchisees  wiil  get  funding  projects    through  us   offered  by  funding agencies  all over world .

Individuals/groups/Clubs are  eligible  to  be  our  franchisee  as  per condition .

To  know  more  details  and  to  get  our  manual on franchising   may  contact  with us . 

(To  avail  franchising  security  money  to  be  deposited  at  our  ngo A/C  and  some  documents  to  be submitted .)        


We  also welcome  some  financee  to  invest  in  social  sector  through us  to  get  good  return .

Interested  peoples  may  contact with  us  for their  safe  investment  and  more  profit .

Ciontact  for  details  with our  Fund  Raising  Maneger .                               

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