NGO Management - Indian NGO Funding Training Agencies Database

SATHI-Social Action For Total Human Improvement


• Promote, undertake and facilitate programs on “education for all” with special focus on girl child education, literacy of adults and women, inclusive education of the disabled children, vocational education to the unemployed youth streamlining local govt. Institutions; invigorating the full potentiality of the VECs and other village development committees.

• Promote, undertake and coordinate on “health for all” with special focus on women, eligible couple, children and the adolescent girls with regards to community health care, nutrition, immunization and revival of indigenous herbal medicine practices.

• Upgrade the skills of the ASHAs, TBAs, SHGs, CBOs, and unemployed youth transforming them into a self-reliant social action force for the effective delivery of health-service-mechanism at the door steps of the community.

• Promote sustainable agro-horticulture practices, with accessing to and control over the resources.

• Promote, undertake and coordinate for the establishment of large and small scale (cottage) industries, handicrafts and rural enterprise development units- generating self- employment opportunities to the unemployed youth, differently challenged people, interested entrepreneurs, SHGs and federations. 

Democratic-governance and gender:

• Capacitate the potentialities of the women at all levels, developing the leadership potential base of community; promoting gender equality and equity; encouraging the democratic-social participation of women at all levels (including family to society to State to National level) with special focus on the participation of women & SHG members in Palli and Gram Sabha of local self governance for collective democratic decision- making and planning.

• Promote and strengthen SHGs/CBOs for effective role-transformation vis-à-vis with different development sectors- for village infrastructure development through collective efforts for mobilization of development resources. 


• Undertake, promote, sensitize and coordinate the activities on climate change through environment awareness, plantation, pollution control and ecological preservation- protecting & nurturing nature; restoring degraded forest and environment through effective natural resource management measures- with accessing to and control over the resources asserting the rights and entitlements with rightful share of great concern. 

Legal helpline services:

• Extend legal, revenue and social help line services to the poorest dalits, marginalised tribes, orphan, widow, deserted, socially excluded, divorced women, persons with disability, old age persons, senior citizens (especially on land, water & forest and social security-net related issues) accessing the providence on social justice and empowerment. 


• Promote, protect and undertake sports, games, cultural activities, libraries and other needful activities- protecting community lures, integrity, social harmony, customs and traditions of the indigenous Khond tribes & Dalits.

• Rehabilitate the differently challenged (disabled), victims of HIV/AIDS, unemployed youth and other categorization of people in the community.

• Mobilize and raise local funds, receive different development grants/funds from the GO & VO sectors, donors, funding agencies, charitable institutions, socio-centric persons and think-tanks at State, National and

Financial & Grants Management

Financial & Grants Management

Budget Preparation

Steps to be taken while Applying for Grants
Bank Reconciliation Letter of Intent
Advances  Capacity Building
Cost Effective Analysis Concept Note
How to choosea Bank Bank Accounts
Cash and Fund flow  Asset Register 
Financial Statements Cash and Acrual based Accounting 

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