NGO Management - Indian NGO Funding Training Agencies Database

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Training Institutes

Indian Institute of Rural Development

The Rural Technology Center is a central development program implemented, and managed by the Indian Institute for Rural Development. Developed on the concept of the Open University, the RTC markets its services, course offerings and information to interested and suitable rural populations. Interested suitable populations enroll in rural courses ranging from Animal Husbandry Management to Non Farming Skills Training to Water Shed Construction as well as several other related rural skills. Courses range from 2 days to over two weeks and are presented in a holistic “hands-on” approach through onsite demonstrations and trails as well as follow-up field projects and programs. Upon graduation from courses and programs, rural beneficiaries are matched among themselves for peer support, mentorship and encouragement. Course members become active in their own development, with suitable skills learned at the RTC augmenting income generating possibilities and other associated positive externalities. IIRD believes the core factors limiting the potential of rural populations include poor skills sets and external access to capital. The RTC fills both gaps, providing suitable holistic educational solutions while also matching viable entrepreneurs with financial capital.

In short, while the scope of the project is large the RTC works through several main components: 1) As a Consultancy, Training, and Information unit that advices and supports rural beneficiaries-cum-entrepreneurs in their initial or expansive entry into the business realm; 2) As an Incubator Unit for on site and off site development of products, techniques, practices, and technologies, with added support from expert facilitators in a timely holistic and adaptive manner for taking on new information with added support from expert facilitators in a timely holistic and adaptive manner; 3) As a Research and Development park on viable suitable solutions for life style improvement; 4) As a Credit Unit that would both provide in-house loans , advice and consultation to aspiring viable rural business units while also linking rural units with external units. 5) As an Information Point for imparting other related development information including, health, sanitation, etc to rural beneficiaries while also serving as a information collecting point. On campus bulletin boards, outreach team field visits and overall interaction between informed staff and beneficiaries will lead to greater collaborative information sharing.

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JAIPUR OFFICE (Headoffice)

Gaj Path, Opp. Fun Kingdom Jaipur, Rajasthan, 302020, India

Contact Person: Ram Babu Bhatt, Chief Executive Officer

Main Office Number: (0141) 239.5737


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