Registration of Visitors from Other Countries: At times visitors - members from donor agencies, or ngo members, volunteers – from other countries visit NGOs/INGOs. These visits could be to understand the project work, know about the area of...
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Governing Body and Executive Body Meetings: Though organizations do constitute and have Executive Committee/Governing Body and General Body meetings, it is important that the following need to be kept in mind. Constitution of Governing/Executive Body(GB/EB) • Ensure that&...
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Why do you need to register your organization: At village level or even in urban areas interested people wants to take up some development activities in the area where they live and also support activities in other areas too. This is initially done with contributions from members a...
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For detailed information about registration under Foreign Contributions Regulation Act - under Prior Permission, Permanent Regn etc. pl. see separate section on FCRA Related....
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Please see articles related to Provident Fund Registration etc. in Provident Fund section...
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