NGO Management - Indian NGO Funding Training Agencies Database

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It contains a wealth of information regarding NGOs, NGO management, finalcial and legal aspects.
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Registration Related

Governing Body/Executive Committee

Governing Body and Executive Body Meetings: Though organizations do constitute and have Executive Committee/Governing Body and General Body meetings, it is important that the following need to be kept in mind. 

Constitution of Governing/Executive Body(GB/EB)  

  Ensure that adequate women's representation is there

                     More than one member of immediate relatives should not be   there           

                     The EB meetings should take place at least twice a year           

                     Reconstitute the EB every two years  

Minutes Book:  Minutes book should be pre-numbered and this should  be certified by the Chief Functionary/President/Chairperson. 

Resolution should be passed and documented in the Minutes Book for  any decisions taken in the E.B. i.e. deciding to take funds from XYZ  organization , or planning to change the area of operation or planning to open or close a Bank account etc.          

   The minutes should be signed by all the participating     member  and  should be ratified in the next meeting.          

   Corrections should not be made to the minutes signed by   the  members.   For any modifications that should be done  only in   the next meeting  and that should be signed by all   the concerned.          

  Any major decisions taken, should be intimated to funding   agency(ies)  concerned and also intimate the same to the Registering   Authorities  i.e. Registratrar of Societies/   Commissioner of Companies   Act and  even the Ministry of  Home Affairs for FCRA purpose.. 

  In case there are plans to change the F.C. Bank Account a        resolution  needs to be passed and a copy of resolution should be    sent to MHA   (Ministry of Home Affairs)  alongwith a copy of   the    FCR Registration    granted to the organisation.     The change to the     Account can only be   done  on getting written approval from the   Ministry of Home Affairs.    On getting the written permission, a copy     needs to be sent to  the funding agency   intimating the  change in   the F.C. Bank A/C

• In case of change in the Executive Body of more than 50 members a   resolution needs to be passed and alongwith a             copy of the Resolution,  this need to be intimated to the  Ministry of Home      Affairs, Registrar of   Societies/   Companies Act  and a copy to   the funding agencies from whom the   concerned organisation receiving funds.


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