NGO Management - Indian NGO Funding Training Agencies Database

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Training Institutes

CSR - Gender Training

Gender Training Institute, established with the support of the European Union in 1997, believes that all people are decision makers in their own contexts, effective catalysts of change and consequently potential participants in GTI’s programmes. The trainings are grounded in the existing fabric of the society and participants analyze the reality and search for solutions that change and correct the gender imbalance. The growth pattern of GTI is phenomenal. We began modestly with 5 trainings and 170 participants in the year 1997 and within a span of six years we have conducted 236 trainings and reached out to nearly 7884 participants across the country.

 Overview of trainingsTraining of Gender Trainers

For institute managers, project managers, potential trainers, human resource managers, NGO’s, funding organizations and those interested in gender issues.

Capacity Building in Governance

For elected representatives of Panchayats and Urban local bodies.

Gender Integration in Projects

For individuals who work in different sectors of development, in NGOs, government departments and internationalagencies.

Synergizing Gender in Education

For teachers and students.

Gender Sensitization for Law Enforcing Agencies

For police, constables to IPS officers, officers in Customs and Excise to IRS officers, lawyers and personnel in the forestdepartment including IFS officers.

Integrating Gender in Corporate Decision MakingFor human resource professionals, development, training, personnel, industrial relation and administration managers. CSR’s approach to research is unique. Through our research, we disseminate information at four levels:

CSR aid research participants in better understanding their own situation.CSR strengthen our knowledge base.CSRinform policy makers and social activists.CSR articulate our findings at the national and international level.CSR undertake research in the following areas:Women’s Political EmpowermentGender and GovernanceDomestic ViolenceWomen and EconomyEducationHealthEnvironmentCSR  conduct research for:International OrganizationsGovernment Departments and Institutions

Private Sector     for further details please visit:

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