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Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Programme in Asia

Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Program in Asia

MAPPA: Roots in South Asia

In South Asia, medicinal and aromatic plants (MAPs) are an essential part of traditional health care systems.

Their gathering and cultivation provide a critical source of income for many rural communities, especially landless poor and marginalized farmers. MAPs are also inextricably linked to the region's natural biodiversity. Unfortunately, MAPs are increasingly threatened by various environmental, socioeconomic and institutional problems. At the same time traditional and indigenous knowledge about these plants is weakening and, in some cases, vanishing altogether. While attempts have been made (both at local and national levels) to address these issues, they have suffered from inadequate funding, a lack of government prioritization, and insufficient information sharing and coordination among stakeholders.

After a number of years of supporting research on MAPs in the region, IDRC, in collaboration with the Ford Foundation, launched the Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Program in Asia (MAPPA) in 1998. The MAPPA programe was initiated and based at IDRC's South Asia Regional Office (SARO) in New Delhi. In August, 2005 the MAPPA programme was devolved to the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) Kathmandu, Nepal. ICIMOD was selected as it provided the most suitable platform to mainstream, develop and expand the MAPPA network.

MAPPA's main goal is to institute a system of long-term sustainable and equitable use of MAPs. The objective is to improve resource conservation and livelihood security in rural and marginalized communities. The mechanism is the design, support and coordination of a holistic research program to strengthen linkages between stakeholders within the MAP production to consumption chain. This is being achieved through strategic research, partnership building and the promotion of regional and international networking. MAPPA's focus currently encompasses the entire South Asian region, with ongoing plans to reach out to other parts of Asia. Through regional, national and local partners, including government organizations (GOs), non-governmental organizations (NGOs), community-based organizations (CBOs), national research institutions and universities, MAPPA has developed a regional network of expertise in community-based MAP conservation, participatory research, and documentation

For further information visit:

International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD)
P.O. Box 3226
Kathmandu, Nepal
Tel. (977-1) 5525313 ext. 102
Fax. (977-1) 5524509

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