Pragmatix is a development consultancy organisation committed to developing new information, research, tools and methods to empower those who work to make local communities self-reliant. Pragmatix aims to combine skills, expertise, knowledge, and commitment in an effort to track change and spread innovative ideas and successes, while learning from mistakes and failures. Pragmatix has a range of high quality and innovative skills. Its consultancy services include research and analysis, participatory appraisals and evaluations, qualitative information system (QIS) database development and hands-on training, workshop facilitation, editorial services, graphic design and software-based advocacy tools and techniques. Pragmatix specialises in gathering 'soft' information, from participatory exercises with poor communities, giving them a platform for their views, suggestions and aspirations .It constantly research innovative methodologies and techniques to garner accurate information in user-friendly formats for practical action. Pragmatix staff have developed an extensive network of NGOs friends and dedicated field workers, to undertake large-scale participatory surveys of people's perceptions. For further information visit: http://www.pragmatix.co.in/aboutus.htm
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