NGO Management - Indian NGO Funding Training Agencies Database

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Grants Management

Concept Note

Concept NoteDefinition: Concept Note  A concept note is a BRIEF summary of a project. A concept note (or a concept paper, as some people call it) is a short version of a project proposal. A concept note for submission to a donor is ideally between 3 to 7 pages long.

Definition: Project   A project is a combination of inputs managed in a certain way to achieve one or more desired outputs, and ultimately one or more desired impact. Here is a nice metaphor to illustrate the definition of a project and its components as described in a concept note:Cooks are constantly designing and implementing projects. Ingredients (inputs) are cooked (managed) according to a recipe (work plan) to achieve a warm, balanced meal (output), and a happy feeling or fullness and wellbeing (impact).

How to Prepare a Concept Note: A concept note has a specific format. The final version of the concept note has the following headings:

1.       Title

2.       Background

3.       Objectives

4.       Outputs

5.       Activities and duration

6.       Beneficiaries and impacts

7.       Project management (includes monitoring and evaluation)

8.       Budget   However, the concept note should be prepared in the final format order. Instead prepare the concept note in the following order:      

  i.            Objectives      

 ii.            Inputs    

  iii.          Activities and duration    

 iv.           Outputs      

 v.            Beneficiaries and impacts    

 vi.            Project management    

vii.            Draft budget  

viii.            Background      

ix.            The problem and why it is urgent (for the background section)        

x.            What has already been done (for the background section)    

 xi.            Title

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~ Marian Fuchs-Carsch,Helen Hambly Odame

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