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Awareness Prog on HIV/AIDS/STD


Awareness Camp on HIV/AIDS/STD 

“Association of Rural People of A&N Islands (ARPAN)”, in association with Andaman & Nicobar Aids Control Society organized an awareness camp on HIV / AIDS / STD on 23.09.2009 in the premises of community hall, Mithakhari. Altogether 40 youths of Ograbraj, Mithakhari, Namunaghar & Dundaspoint village participated in the seminar. Welcoming the gathering Shri. Mohd Safiq, Pradhan, GP Mithakhari appreciated the officers of ANSAC for cooperating with ARPAN, NGO in organizing the seminar. Addressing the gathering Shri. N.M.Bashir, Chairman, ARPAN lauded the efforts of ANSAC in A&N Islands and deliberated at length the activities of ARPAN since its inception fake taschen and laid out future plans of organization in the coming years. He also said that considering the increase in tourist inflow there is every need to sensitize the villagers on the dangers of spreading the dreaded disease and to be vigilant against its spread.  Shri. Gireesh Kumar, Consultant, ANSAC informed about the various modes of transmission of HIV/AIDS/STD and deliberated on the prevention part. Shri. Vivek Thakur, Asst. Director, Publications, ANSAC also addressed the youths. The Up-Pradhan of Namunaghar Panchayat Shri.Rajkumar was also present on the occasion.  IES materials were also distributed by ANSAC. The program ended with vote of thanks by Shri. N.M.Bashir, Chairman, ARPAN.”  For picture see the following link.



 Reg. No. 1316





(Association of Rural People of Andaman & Nicobar Islands)

HO: “Enem”, Post & Vill - Ograbraj, Port Blair

Phone : 03192-224660 /  9434 260427 / 9933 262985 / 9434 292615

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