NGO Management - Indian NGO Funding Training Agencies Database

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Training Programme on Process Documentation of Development Interventions

Excella Orbit is organising a training programme on Process Documentation of Development Interventions.  We are putting this on for your information and for any further information you need to directly get in touch with the address given below:


"Training on Process Documentation of Development Interventions - avail 10% Discount


Excella Orbit, a division of Sambodhi Research & Communications Pvt. Ltd. is pleased to announce the training programme on Process Documentation of Development Interventions to be held at New Delhi from 5th – 7th January, 2010.


Register before Jan 3, 2010 to avail 10% discount on the fee. (This offer is applicable on individual registration only. We also offer special discount to group registration, please refer the brochure.)

To know the programme details of above mentioned trainings please download the brochure by visiting the given link . If you are interested in the training please send request mail for registration form. 


Sambodhi's earlier programmes have been subscribed by leading agencies and projects across the globe. Sambodhi clientele include bilateral and multi-lateral aid agencies, governments, projects, academic institutions and independent consultants including UNDP, UNICEF, UNIFEM, UNESCO, CRS, GTZ, World Vision, Action Aid, CARE, BBC WST, CRY, IGSSS, FHI, PSI, SNV Bhutan, RMoL, Winrock, Norweigan Church Aid (NCA), Afghanistan, Royal Education Council Bhutan, Ministry of Education, Govt. of Botswana, Ministry of Plan Implementation Srilanka, State Govt. of Madhya Pradesh, Orissa,  Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Uttarakhand, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, IAMR, IWMI, NCAER, IDRC, ICMR etc.


Please share this with professionals in your organization, partner organizations and others who may be interested in this International Training Programme. We shall be happy to answer any queries that you may have in this regard.


With Warm Regards,
Anish Kumar Sahay

 Excella Orbit 
Sambodhi Research & Communications Pvt. Ltd. 
O2, 2nd Floor, Lajpat Nagar - II 
New Delhi - 110024 
+91 11 40560734, 65492502

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