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Training Institutes

Development Support Centre (DSC)

Development Support Center (DSC) is a resource organization that provides knowledge based support to the Non-Government Organizations (NGOs), government agencies and other stake holders in the field of natural resource management. 

Established since 1994, in response to the felt need for, indeed a demand from various segments concerned with the rural development in
Gujarat , India. DSC provides variety of services that aims to improve rural livelihood through participatory management of natural resources such as land and water on which large number of rural population directly depends upon. Mr. Anil C. Shah (Founder Chairman of the organization), Rural Development Secretary (I.A.S. Ret'd.) in Govt. of Gujarat, India. DSC has a multi-disciplinary team of professionals that helps in capacity building of key functionaries, performs hand holding operations in the field when required, takes initiatives for appropriate policy changes and carries out field studies related to policy issues. 


DSCs  present focus is on five thematic areas which  are: 

Watershed Development

Participatory Irrigation Management

Agricultural Productivity Enhancement

Drinking Water and,

Joint Forest Management

 In the above thematic areas DSC offers following portfolio of services:


Capacity Building / Training of NGOs, CBOs and Government functionaries.

Action Research through Field Implementation

Communication Services

Research and Monitoring Services

Policy Advocacy



An estimated 70% of agricultural production of India comes from irrigated land. As such, the role of irrigation in strengthening and sustaining the agricultural economy is crucial. Unfortunately, the state of irrigation infrastructure across the country is very poor. Design flaws, poor upkeep of physical system, unviable water pricing and bad irrigation management practices have contributed to substantial underutilization which is a colossal waste of investment. Since independence, more than rupees one thousand billion was spent on creating physical infrastructures such as dams and canals in India, yet in many states as little as 25% of potential irrigation is used. 

Pilot projects in Participatory Irrigation Management (PIM) have demonstrated that many of these problems, if not all, can be reduced if active participation of farmers is encouraged in all aspects of the development and management of irrigation. Under PIM, some of the important irrigation management responsibilities in government owned irrigation projects are transferred to farmers' water users associations.

The support service of DSC in PIM focuses on building farmers' organizations at village as well as project levels and enhancing their capacity through various means such as training and community organizing. Moreover, DSC helps sensitize the staff of Irrigation Department to participatory processes.

DSC is playing a pivotal role in promoting PIM in
Gujarat as well as in the country. DSC is providing policy support to the various state Governments and the Central Government for wider adoption of participatory approach to irrigation management.

DSC is involved in direct implementation of the Participatory Irrigation Management (PIM) programme in 56800 hectare of 1 major and 2 medium irrigation projects of
North Gujarat . DSC is also in process of implementing Participatory Irrigation Management (PIM) in 5000 hectare of Sardar Sarovar Project ( Narmada Project ) to serve as pilot project in implementing Participatory Irrigation Management its 18 lac hectare. DSC is probably the biggest NGO in India working in irrigation sector.

The DSC is also active in providing training to the farmers representatives and irrigation officials. It has a complete infrastructure as required for such training. So far about 351 training programme to 12930 farmers representatives irrigation officials.


For further information visit: source 


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