NGO Management - Indian NGO Funding Training Agencies Database

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Law of Attractions

Golden Inspirations is organising one day Law of Attraction Workshop in Delhi on 6th June.  If you are interested, you can get in touch with them directly at the links given below:

Note: We are holding our Law of Attraction Workshop in Delhi this SUNDAY(6th June, 2010). This workshop is nothing like you have ever experienced before! It will CHANGE your life!

You may be wondering how to use the law of attraction, let us explain it in brief for you. 

Q. How to Use the Law of Attraction in action?
A. The Law of Attraction attracts to you the things you desire like a magnet according to the thought pictures you have in your Minds.
So if you have a mental picture of earning more wealth, The Law Of Attraction, which is one of the most powerful laws of the Universe will work with you and make co-incidences in your life for the realization of your mental picture. 
Similarly, If you keep a mental picture of something you worry about or are fearful about, like losing money, The Law of Attraction is going to bring these unwanted situations in your life.
So the real trick here is to choose the CORRECT mental pictures and put them into action so that you attract all the wealth, cars, health and lifestyle you desire. But, this is easier said than done.
That is why we hold one full day workshop explaining how you can CHOOSE the correct mental pictures and put them into ACTION as soon as you finish the Workshop!

Note: Don't forget to watch the 20 minute video on the above link
Warm Regards
Golden Inspirations

~ ngoprtal

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