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Training course to Voluntary Organizations on “Asset Based Community Development ”(ABCD) approach


Bala Vikasa – Warangal, A.P. is organizing a Two-Day training program on “ASSET BASED COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT” (ABCD) APPROACH from 20 – 21st  July , 2010 at Warangal.   If you are interested you can directly get in touch with them at the address given below:


Course Introduction: 

ABCD approach is being experimented and developed globally in the field of community development at a time when sustainability is the ultimate objective of the community development. Asset Based Approach promises to make sustainable development possible. This approach is more and more adopted and encouraged by Development Organisaitons internationally.

Course Objective:  

·  To promote positive action for change than an exclusive focus on needs and problems

·  To expose the participants to several practical asset-based tools designed to help community leaders build a community-driven development process.


Course contents

·         Community Development ….a Paradigm Shift

·         Need based verses Asset based approach

·         Asset Based Community Development ( ABCD) Approach

·         Theoritical influences on ABCD approach

·         ABCD as an Approach, Methodology and Strategy

·         Asset Mapping – individuals, communities, institutions, Physical and Natural.

·         Community Driven Development : Case study -  Model Village Gangadevipally

Course Language: 



Training Methodology:

The emphasis would be on participatory learning methods. The training will be imparted through lecture-cum-discussions, in-class presentations / appraisals / inputs, assignments and  brain storming exercises, group discussion as well as audiovisual films.


Award of Certificate:

The participants will be awarded a certificate of participation on conclusion of the course



Other details:

Number of seats: The maximum intake for the training program is only 25.


Course Fee: Rs.1500/  (includes registration Fee).


To encourage the participation of NGOs from India  in capacity building programs, Bala Vikasa PDTC provides boarding and lodging (food and accommodation - Non A/C rooms on shared basis) within the premises of PDTC,at its own cost.


Actual travel expenses incurred by the participants (second class fare only), subject to a ceiling of Rs. 600/- (Rupees Six hunderd only) will be reimbursed on submission of original tickets.

 Registration Fee: The participants need to pay Rs.500 in advance towards Registration fee (which is non-refundable) after their confirmation of participation.

The Registration fee has to be sent by DD drawn in favor of “Bala Vikasa People Development Training Center”, Warangal, by courier/post. Details of dispatched DD should be intimated to BV PDTC through e-mail.

 Nomination Form :  Please find attached nomination form to be filled and send to Bala Vikasa by 15thJuly, 2010. You can also download from our website


For further details, please refer to the attached prospectus or contact Ms. Sunitha Reddy on 91-9849844868 or 91-870-2453255.


General Instructions

1.       The program will commence at 9.00 am on July 20th , 2010 and therefore participants are requested to reach the venue on or before the stipulated time positively.

2.       The nomination of participants should be sent to the Institute in prescribed Performa byE-mail, Courier so as to reach Institute by latest July 15th 2010. No participant is allowed to attend the program without prior payment. 

3.       The participants are advised to proceed for the training only after receiving confirmation from the Institute.

4.       Boarding and lodging facility is provided for the participant’s only. The organization will not be in a position to extend these facilities for the accompanying members.

5.       BVPDTC shall provide accommodation for participants on the training dates and one day before for the participants coming from far.

6.        The participants reporting late to the training program or leaving it before its conclusion will not be entitled to traveling allowance and certificate.


Nomination Form 


·         Eligible participants (as mentioned in brochure)  willing to join the Seminar on 22nd July can continue to stay within the same course fee . The food and accommodation will be provided.  Seminar Brochure Uploaded at,_2010_-_warangal-30.pdf 

~ ngoportal

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