NGO Management - Indian NGO Funding Training Agencies Database

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India NGO Award 2010: Call for entries - Last Date 15 Feb 2011

15th February 2011 Last Date 

India NGO Award 2010: Call for entries

The Resource Alliance and the Rockefeller Foundation are pleased to invite applications for the India NGO Awards 2010. The Awards has been instituted in 2006 to recognize and facilitate those (Non Governmental Organisations) NGOs that have demonstrated best practices in resource mobilization, financial management, governance and impact in the community.

NGOs from across the country are encouraged to send in their entries under one of the three categories based on their annual budget (income) for 2009-10.


Small              Annual budget under Rs 50 lakhs
Medium          Annual budget between Rs 50 lakhs and Rs 5 crores
Large             Annual budget over Rs 5 crores

Organisations will be evaluated on their effective and sustainable mobilisation of resources, demonstration of efficient management of resources, good governance practices, transparency, accountability and the impact of the work in bringing about tangible benefits to its targeted communities.


The three national winners in each category will receive a trophy and cash prize of Rs 4,00,000/- to be used to strengthen their internal systems and processes.

All Regional Finalists will be profiled in a casebook, which will be widely disseminated.

All Regional Finalists will be mentored by TIE members.
All applicants will be invited to participate in customised workshops on resource mobilisation and related areas.

Please find the brochure/entry form for the India NGO Awards 2010

EntryForm Download



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