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Winners of the 2011 Cordaid HIV and AIDS Award The 2011


NGOportal is happy share the information given by Cordaid HIV/AIDS Award 2011 team Jennie van de Weerd / Caroline Brants about the winners of  2011 Cordaid HIV and AIDS Award.

Winners of the 2011 Cordaid HIV and AIDS Award The 2011 edition of the Cordaid HIV and AIDS Award focused on the linking of community- and formal health and care services for PLHIV. This was a topic which many organisations could relate to as Cordaid received 263 valid nominations - 182 nominations for Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) and 81 nominations for Faith-Based Organisations (FBOs). Not only the number of nominations received was overwhelming, but also the fact that nominations were received from 46 countries and a wide variety of organisations.

The two award winning organisations - one CSO and one FBO - displayed vision and leadership around the linking of community- and formal health and care services for PLHIV, provided evidence of substantial impact and/or successes achieved in this field, demonstrated innovative ways to strengthen the linkages, actively involved PLHIV in the design, implementation and monitoring/evaluation of their programmes and activities and recognized the need for sustainability and scaling up of their activities. Representatives of the two award winning organisations received the awards on World AIDS Day from the Dutch SRHR and AIDS Ambassador Marijke Wijnroks, Ms. Mirjam Blaak (Deputy Ambassador of Uganda in the Netherlands) and Henri van Eeghen (director of Cordaid) during the 15th National Congress Soa*HIV*Sex held in Amsterdam.

Ms. Sedrida Tumushabe accepted the award on behalf of Giramatsiko Post Test Club (Uganda) ? award winner in the category CSOs. This organisation is an outstanding example of a grassroots organisation of HIV-positive women who have managed to improve the position and well-being of PLHIV in general and women living with HIV in particular by combining their own strengths with those of others. Strong partnerships have been developed with formal health care providers, communities, local governments and churches, and other development organisations active in the region to be able to provide its members with the health and care services that they deserve and require.

Ms. Kolnary Kasem received the award on behalf of Cambodian HIV/AIDS Education and Care ? CHEC (Cambodia)? award winner in the category FBOs. CHEC, formerly Quaker Services Australia, is an outstanding example of a capacity building organisation which has successfully linked community and formal health and care services for PLHIV through the establishment of Community Action Groups (CAGs), community Home Based Care (HBC) teams and Self Help Groups (SHGs) of PLHIV which closely collaborate with local health care services.

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