NGO Management - Indian NGO Funding Training Agencies Database

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Small Grants Selection Criteria

Small Grants Fund - Selection Criteria

The Fondation Ensemble funds projects run by small organizations, in its areas of activity. 

The small grants sponsored in this Fund have to satisfy the prequalification criteria described below.

Moreover, the small and medium-sized NGOs that submit a project for the Small Grants Fund have to ensure that it does not fall in the category of what the Foundation does not fund.

Proposals must meet the prequalification criteria:

The project holder is a small organization.

The project must be concrete and improve the livelihood of the target populations and take into account the environmental dimension.

The project responds to the needs expressed by the population and/or partners on the field.

The budget is clear and the role of each partner is identified.

Fondation Ensemble does not fund :

Proposals that do not fall within the areas of activity of the  Foundation.

Requests for funding above 30 000 €.

Projects with no tangible action.

~ ngoportal

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