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Guidelines for filling the Nomination Form - AGFUND

Guidelines for filling the Nomination Form

Please provide as much information as possible to facilitate the project evaluation process. Please answer each question on the Nomination Form using a separate answer sheets.

In (SECTION THREE - Nominator), please provide clear information about the nominator for ease of reference and further communication and state the reasons that motivated you to nominate the project.

In (SECTION THREE - Nominator) question (3), please circle the category for which the project is nominated. Each of the four categories is reserved for specific types of projects as indicated in the question.

In (SECTION FOUR - Implementing Agency ) question (1) please provide clear information about the implementing agency for ease of reference and further communication. State the type of agency by choosing one of the choices reflected in question.

for questions (7) , (8) and (9), please indicate the dates on which the project actually started and terminated, not the "planned" dates.

For question (10) (Project location), please specify the geographic area in which the project was implemented. If the project was implemented in different locations at the same time, please indicate these locations.

for questions (11) and (12), please clearly indicate the key objectives of the project as stated in the "project document". If changes were introduced during the project implementation process, please indicate that with brief justification for the change.

Please provide detailed information on target beneficiaries and their location (question 13).

For question (14) and (15), we need to assess the participatory approach, if any, for the project design: which was involved in that process and whether the needs of the target beneficiaries were taken into account in the project design through their participation in the design process.

For question (16), please indicate the specific issues/needs or both that prompted the funding, design and implementation of the project. In other words, please give the justifications for the project.

A key feature of the evaluation is the degree of innovativeness of the project
(question 17). Why do you consider the nominated project innovative and/ or pioneering? What are the elements of innovation in the project? Were the goals and objectives logically connected and interdependent? What possible new concepts were introduced that can increase knowledge and experience in the field of human development?

The second major feature of the evaluation is the assessment of efficiency and effectiveness of project management (question 18). We assess the project leadership, implementation strategy, communication with beneficiaries, management of financial resources, transparency and accountability and project review process. Please provide detailed opinion on the project management process.

The third major feature of the evaluation is the assessment of project impact
(question 19). We need to assess how the project affected the target beneficiaries and what improvements it contributed to their life. We also assess how the impact, if any, was measured and we seek to know how the services provided by the project would be sustainable. We would appreciate information on the possibility of continued support by partners for sustaining project benefits through possible expansion and the availability of human and financial resources for these purposes.

Question (20) seeks your assessment of whether the nominated project could be replicable elsewhere either in the same country or in another country. The purpose is to know how valuable this project would be to other beneficiaries and what would be the

conditions that may ensure similar value to other target group (s).


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