NGO Management - Indian NGO Funding Training Agencies Database

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Grants Management

Japan Fund Global Environment (JFGE)

Eligibility: Please note that only Japanese application is accepted. Non-Japanese organizations are required to have a representative to apply for the grant on their behalf. The representative should be an individual living in Japan or an organization with a main office in Japan.

Applications for grants are accepted once every fiscal year (based on the Japanese fiscal year starts from April 1 to next March 31) through a public process. Specific information on application deadlines and procedures as well as eligible organizations and activities covered by the grants is provided through A Guide to JFGE Grant Application published every fiscal year. The JFGE Management Council deliberates and examines the projects submitted and decides on the projects to receive the grants and the amount to be awarded. The projects that are selected are awarded grant monies after performing the scheme by the JFGE Grant Policies and Procedures.


Grant Policies and Procedures:


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