NGO Management - Indian NGO Funding Training Agencies Database

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Grants Management

World of children Award Guidelines

2013 World Of Children Award Guidelines

Nominees must have full knowledge that they are being nominated. We strongly recommend that the person you are nominating and the related organization assist you in completing the nomination form.

Nominees must be available to participate in the Annual Award Ceremonies held in New York City, USA. Travel and accommodations will be arranged and paid for by the World of Children Award.

Nominees must be nominated for one Award only. Individuals submitted for multiple categories will be disqualified.

Nominee must have an existing non-profit organization in good standing, which can receive grant funds if Awarded.

Adult Nominees must do this work over and above their normal employment OR work for little or no pay.

Adult Nominees must have been doing this work for a minimum of 10 years.

Youth Nominees can be nominated for the Youth Award only, and must be under the age of 21 by the nomination submission deadline to be eligible.

The World of Children Award excludes any work designed to specifically advance any one religion or political position. The Board of Governors of the World of Children Award reserves the right to exclude nominations it deems to be religious or political in nature.


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