FCRA Related
FCRA Registration
F.C. Registration: NGOs who wish to receive donations/funds/materials from foreign sources need to have the Registration from the Ministry of Home Affairs under FCRA (Foreign Contributions Regulation Act, 1976). To get this registration, the following needs to be done. * The organisations concerned need to use Form FC-8 for registration. (Available is available in the FCRA section) • The organization must have registered itself either under Society Registration Act/Trust Act or as a Non-profit company and the registration details needs to be sent alongwith copy of its bye-laws, registration copy etc. •Generally most of the NGOs open a Bank Account which is called a General Account , however to receive donations from foreign sources the organisation need to open a separate Bank Account which organisations name it as a FC Account. The details of this account needs to be mentioned. * Organisations activity report at for the last three years • Audited Statement of Account for the past three years (Balance Sheet, Income and Expenditure, Receipts and Payments Account alongwith audit report). • Brief information about the organisatin's area of operation.. * Detailed information about the beneficiaries who are going to benefit. Send these by Regd Post with AD to The Secretary to Govt. of India Ministry of Home Affairs Jaisalmer House 26 Mansingh Road New Delhi -110011 On receipt of the same, it will take some time for the department to scrutinise the application form. They may ask for further information/clarification or they may reject the same or may ask you to apply for Prior Permission (see separate note) For further details visit http://www.mha.nic.in/fcra
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