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Mahindra's Spark the Rise.Award won by Divya Jyothi Charitable Trust

NGOportal and its member organisations congratulate Divya Jyothi Charitable Trust for winning the Award and ngoportal also like to thank its members for their support in this. 
Divya Jyothi Charitable Trust is an NGO setup "By the Blind, For the Blind". The main objective is to assist persons with such disability overcome the Social & Economic challenges. The organisation is whole & solely run by the blind along with the voluntary efforts like minded individuals.

Divya Jyothi Charitable Trust thank you for your kind and wholehearted support throughout our long campaign to make it to the final round of Mahindra's Spark the Rise. We made it to the final round with a count of 71 466 votes, which gave us a sound platform when we made our presentation to the Jury on 5th April 2013.

Out of the 13 finalists, who made presentations, we were awarded the first runner-up place. This recognition and accompanying award has brought us ever closer to our dream of establishing the first Braille Transcription Center in Karnataka to help the cause of Education for the Visually Impaired in Karnataka.

The task ahead is huge, as we have to purchase a Braille Transcriber and utilize it to capacity in a professional manner and reach the manyvisually impaired people, young and old, in the rural areas and in our own city. We have many ideas waiting to be converted into action, and we shall continue to rely on your participation to realize our goals.

We welcome your suggestions, contributions, and your time as volunteers.

Once again, thank you for being a part of the Divya Jyothi Charitable Trust family.

For project winners details please visit on

M A Shivaprakash
Founder/Managing Trustee
Divya Jyothi Charitable Trust for Disabled,
# 151/F, 4th Cross,
Gokulam 3rd Stage,
Mysore 570 002.
Ph: 91821 2510129
Mob: 91988640956
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~ 18/4/2013

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