Letters of Inquiry: Please review our grants guidelines in detail prior to submitting a letter of inquiry.
As noted earlier, unsolicited requests must be made through letters of inquiry. The letter should describe the purpose and objectives of the project, general methodology and total cost of the project. A letter of inquiry enables the Foundation to determine the relevance of the proposed project to the Foundation's work and to provide advice on whether to submit a full proposal.
Full, Formal Proposals: If your letter of inquiry receives a favorable response, please follow this checklist for what should be included in a solicited formal proposal:
A cover letter, detailing the amount of money requested and the grant period, signed by the individual responsible for signing grant contracts on behalf of the grant applicant.
A project description, including an explanation of why the project is needed, who will be served and what will be accomplished.
A documented line-item expense budget and a revenue budget, showing all projected sources of funds for the project over the proposed grant period.
A plan for financial and/or programmatic sustainability of the project.
A plan for evaluation of the project's results.
Before a grant will be approved, U.S. government regulations require us to collect from each applicant, an affidavit and public support schedule to determine equivalence as a tax-exempt institution under U.S. law. VAF staff/Ambassadors will provide the forms as well as assistance in completing them.
Organizations that receive funding are required to provide quarterly program updates to the Foundation.
All submitted materials must be in English.
For multiple year funding, applicants must submit copies of their organization's published annual report and audited financial statements before a continuation grant will be approved. If these documents are not available, an eligibility review process will be undertaken by the Foundation for projects of interest.