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Grants Management

GEF Small Grants Criteria and Extent of Financial Support

The proposals are invited from Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) and Community Based Organizations (CBOs) who are registered for more than three years and have three years’ audited accounts. The duration of each proposal may vary from 18 to 30 months. SGP will consider grants of up to Rs.18 lacs for each project. In special cases, where co-financing and partnership commitments are more, higher budgets may be considered, if the project activities justify the same. 
SGP supports field based, participatory process approach. Organizations and projects will be given preference to the extent that they:
 Promote innovative community based initiatives to reduce local environmental threats;
 Build local capacity to implement sustainable development strategies creating ‘local 
    ownerships and institutional capabilities’.
 Demonstrate high replicability, co-financing and scaling-up potential;
 Foster public awareness on environmental issues as an integral part of the project;
 Address livelihood, equality and gender concerns and sensitivities. 
 Involve women, marginalized populations and isolated tribal communities as equal
    partners in programme implementation;
 Create an impact, influence policies and partnership at the National, State and District
    levels in the country;
 Generate local knowledge and involvement of communities in planning, implementing
    and monitoring of projects; and
 Encourage sustainability and demonstrate people’s participation, democracy, flexibility, 
    partnership and transparency in their approach during implementation of activities in 
The interested NGOs/CBOs may download the Form from the website: and submit the proposal to the Country Program Manager, GEF/UNDP Small Grants Programme, Centre for Environment Education, C-40, South Extension Part II, Ground Floor, New Delhi-110049 along 
with the following documents:
 Annual Report, indicative of the activities performed during the year, contribution from 
    partners and projects;
 Copy of the Registration Certificate
 Organization Structure, list of key professional/staff and their areas of expertise;
 Audited financial reports of the last three years;
 Demonstrated capacity in implementation and management of resources and in the GEF 
    related areas. 
The decision of the National Steering Committee on the acceptance/rejection of any proposal is final. 

~ ngoportal 4/7/2013 Funds for NGOs

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