HR Related
HR Values
In every work place values exists. An organizations culture demonstrate the values of an organisation. However, it is important for us to find out whether the values that exist in an organisation creating the workplace that you desire. We need to analyse whether these values are promoting culture of extraordinary customer care by happy, motivated and productive people. If not we need to: • Identify the existing values • Determine whether these are the right values for your organisation • Make changes in the actions and behaviours to ensure the values are demonstrated
Value Development Process:
We need to see how we can develop and articulate shared organisation values. These could be developed with the support of your staff. Some of these could be Mission statement, Vision, relationship guidelines, prioritized action plans and organizational goals.
Value Identification Process:
As mentioned above, this needs to be done by your own team. Set up a core team and discuss the power of shared values. These need to be discussed thoroughly and come to a consensus that these leaders are committed to creating a value-based workplace. Also need to define the roles of these core team members. In turn the core team needs to discuss and share the information with the reporting staff and gather their views. Plan brainstorming sessions with all staff irrespective of their position or department. This could be done by trained internal team or hire an external person or a company to do this. Before this takes place the core team need to:
• Share any written materials as well as the spirit and context of the executives’ values discussion with every individual in your reporting group • Promote the rationale for, need for, and desired organizational impact of the process • Make certain your reporting staff members understand the importance of their participation in the process • Assure that every member of your reporting group is signed up for and attends a session • Answer questions and provide feedback about any staff concerns to the est of the executive or cross functional group leading the process.
Before the session starts each person bring their list of values to the workplace and discuss during the brainstorming session. Set groups – department-wise or mixed groups. Groups discuss the values highlighted by each member in that group and prioritise these values and list them. Then when all groups meet together, discuss each groups suggestions for values, have brainstorm session and then bring together all groups highlighted values and make a final list and also prepare value statements. Value Statements Follow Up Process Foundational Values and Beliefs
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