NGO Management - Indian NGO Funding Training Agencies Database

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NGO Portal is a comprehensive knowledgebase of NGO’s and Non-Profits from India and around the world.
It contains a wealth of information regarding NGOs, NGO management, finalcial and legal database, ngo funding agencies, ngo india, indian ngos, international ngos, ngo training institutes
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Grants Management

Criteria for CEPF Grants

  • Our grant decision-making process is based on the evaluation of proposals in accordance with the objectives and strategies of CEPF, including the relevant ecosystem profile.
  • Proposals that target direct global environmental benefits and meet the following eligibility criteria are welcome:
  • Project is located in an approved biodiversity hotspot
  • Project is located in a country that is not excluded by U.S. law
  • Project supports a strategic direction outlined in the relevant CEPF ecosystem profile and investment strategy See all ecosystem profiles.
  • Grant applicant is authorized under relevant national laws to receive charitable contributions
  • Government-owned enterprises or institutions are eligible only if they can establish i) that the enterprise or institution has a legal personality independent of any government agency or actor, ii) that the enterprise or institution has the authority to apply for and receive private funds, and iii) that the enterprise or institution may not assert a claim of sovereign immunity
  • Grant will not be used for the purchase of land, involuntary resettlement of people, or activities that negatively affect physical cultural resources, including those important to local communities
  • Grant will not be used for activities adversely affecting Indigenous Peoples or where these communities have not provided their broad support to the project activities
  • Grant will not be used to remove or alter any physical cultural property (includes sites having archeological, paleontological, historical, religious, or unique natural values)
  • Proposed activities observe all other relevant safeguard and social policies
  •  We will not award grants for $1 million and above.
  • In addition, we encourage proposals that demonstrate the following characteristics:
  • Existence of co-financing or the ability to leverage additional funds
  • Demonstration of coordination with other organizations to reduce duplication of efforts
  • Existence of partnerships or alliances with one or more other organizations
  • Endorsements from other recognized agencies or authorities
  • Transnational or regional projects
  • Clear plans for continuation and/or replication after initial CEPF funding
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