NED Grant Application Requirements
All applications must include the following items:
•Proposal Cover Sheet (pdf) (doc)
This form collects basic organizational information.
•Proposal Narrative
This is the written description of the project you would like to conduct with NED funds. Please follow the Proposal Guidelines. You may prepare the Proposal Narrative in English or your local language. Proposals should be approximately 10 pages in length.
•Interim Assessment (for renewal proposals only)
This is an assessment of your organization’s previous NED grant, if any. It should be included as part of the proposal narrative.
•Proposal Budget
This is the financial description of the project you would like to conduct with NED funds and should correspond to the activities in the Proposal Narrative. Please follow the Additional Guidance and use the Budget Template whenever possible.
•Registration Documents (if applicable)
Please include your Certificate of Registration or other documentation showing the legal status of your organization.
If your organization is not registered, this documentation is not required. Instead, please include an explanation (in the Proposal Cover Sheet) as to why your organization is not registered and the status of any pending applications for registration
What types of Programs NED supports
NED Grants Dates and Funding Process