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Training Institutes

Training on Video Documentation – A Promotional Tool for Non-Profits

Bala Vikasa is pleased to organise three day training program in “ Video Documentation – A Promotional Tool for Non-Profits” from 5-7 June, 2014 at People Development Training Centre, Warangal, Andhra Pradesh.


Today, the non-profit sector has more communication tools than ever before available to them. The role of effective communication and publicity is becoming more crucial to the success of the overall mission of any NGO. With the diverse channels of socia-lmedia, non-profits can connect with their audiences, donors, supporters and stakeholders in creative and impactful ways.

In this context, video is fast becoming a most effective tool in service delivery, outreach and fundraising. The power of the visual medium is indisputable. 100 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute, and over 6 billion hours are watched every month. Liking and sharing video content is also becoming a habit.

Keeping all this in mind, the People Development Training Centre has designed a 3-day training program in how to develop quality videos as a supremely powerful tool for NGOs to communicate their work and their message.

Course Objectives

  • To introduce the concept of video: technical history, status of video as a communication tool today
  • To educate on the power of video medium in the non-profit sector through exposure (viewing a selection of videos with messages)
  • To develop script-writing and story-telling skills
  • To familiarize participants with the basics of video shooting
  • To lean the art of interviewing respondents for videos
  • To practically experience the creation of a video from start to finish.

Course Methodology

  • Mini Lectures
  • Audio-visual learning support
  • Interactive Sessions
  • Practical exercises and assessment
  • Group work and group games
  • Introspective process repliche orologio

The participants are requested to come with their Video /Digital-Camera for practical sessions.

Resource Person

Ms. Kamini Menon is a trained journalist and communications specialist in the development sector. She completed her MA Global Communications from the American University of Paris and prior to that, her BA Journalism from United States International University, Kenya. As a professional writer, researcher, video editor and facilitator with international experience, she has developed film documentaries for several NGOs and has extensively trained community correspondents in video journalism from all over India and African countries.

Award of Certificate: The participants will be awarded a certificate of participation on conclusion of the course.

Scholarship: The total program cost is Rs.5000 which includes food and boarding (non A/C rooms on 3 sharing basis). But in order to encourage the small and the grassroots NGOs we provide 50% scholarship which means participating NGO will pay only INR 2500 towards program cost.

Contact: Ms. Sunitha Reddy on 91-9849844868/ 9849165890 or 91-870-2453255.

Please fill the attached application form and send it to to register for this training.

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