NGO Management - Indian NGO Funding Training Agencies Database

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Abilis Fundation - India contact

Mobility India MI

Bangalore India

Mobility India was set up in Bangalore, South India, in 1994 to enable organized work in the field of mobility appliances and to bring about social change. Its vision is an inclusive society where people with disabilities have equal rights and a good quality of life. A good quality of life includes:
◾Adequate food, water, shelter and clothing
◾An income for basic needs
◾Good health care
◾Access to education, recreation and sports

Given this objective Mobility India has adopted a six pronged strategy to address the need of persons with disabilities in India and other low-income countries. Its central focus is on equipping individuals and groups of disabled persons with knowledge and skills to enable them to be functional and productive for day to day living.

a. Training of prosthetic and orthotic technicians and rehabilitation assistants
b. Rehabilitation services
c. Community based rehabilitation (CBR)
d. Partner support
e. Research and development
f. Production of low cost light weight aids and appliances

Mobility India MI
Mailing Address:
Post Box 7812, Bangalore - 560 078

Visiting Address:
1st &1st ‘A' Cross J.P.Nagar 2nd Phase
Bangalore - 560 078

Phone: +91-80-26492222 / 26597337 / 26491386 - Ext-9
Telefax : +91-80-26494444 Ext. - 110

Abilis Facilitator
Ms. Jaya

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