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ABILIS Foundation Uganda Contact Partner

National Union of Disabled Persons of Uganda NUDIPU

Kampala Uganda

The National Union of Disabled Persons of Uganda (NUDIPU) is an umbrella NGO of People With Disabilities, formed in 1987. It brings together all categories of disability, including the physically, sensory and mentally impaired people. The coalition has always worked to break the tradition that tended to treat them as objects of charity and medical care.

NUDIPU is inspired by the vision:
"Dignity for every person with disability".

NUDIPU exists to promote the equalization of opportunities and active participation of people with disabilities in mainstream development processes. This is pursued through participation in policy-planning, sharing and optimizing knowledge and skills inherent among stakeholders, capacity building, awareness enhancement and resource mobilisation.

NUDIPU's membership is comprised of district unions, established in all the districts of Uganda; plus national single-disability organisations of people with disabilities.

National Union of Disabled Persons of Uganda NUDIPU

Mailing Address: orologi replica italia
P.O.Box 8567

Visiting Address:
Plot No. 530 Kisasi Road - Bukoto

Tel. 256-414-540 179
Fax 256-414-540 178,


Abilis Facilitator Ms Rose Achayo Obol

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