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ABILIS Foundation Ethiopian Partner contact


The ECDD Association is a local, not-for-profit, non-political, non-religious, non-governmental development organization (NGO) registered in 2005 by the Ministry of Justice in Ethiopia. It presently has 66 individual Association members and a 7-member Board of Directors composed of prominent Ethiopians, the majority of whom are persons with disabilities and women. The ECDD works collaboratively with other organizations to promote "inclusive development" - the inclusion of disability issues and people with disabilities in mainstream government and NGO development projects and programmes.

ECDD Vision

ECDD envisions an inclusive Ethiopia, where children, youth and adults with disabilities, regardless of gender or kind of disability, as well as their parents and families, enjoy the same rights and have access to the same medical, educational and social services, training and work opportunities enjoyed by other citizens. In such an inclusive society, people with disabilities are accepted, have a voice and participate actively in the life and development of their communities.

ECDD Objectives:
1.Create awareness
2.Promote and facilitate inclusive development
3.Increase economic self-reliance
4.Increase higher education opportunities
5.Promote and facilitate disability and development research
6.Provide disability adjustment supports

ECDD Activities:
1.Disability Information: ECDD maintains a public disability information center, website and electronic database with information and documentation about disability and persons with disabilities in Ethiopia.

2.Inclusive Development: ECDD provides training to development NGO and government bureau personnel on inclusive development practices.

3.Economic Empowerment: ECDD Assistant Facilitators assist self-help groups of persons with disabilities to plan income generating, skills training and capacity-building projects, and to prepare applications for grant funding from the Abilis Foundation in Finland.

4.Access to Higher Education: ECDD provides technical and financial support to the Addis Ababa University Disability and Career Development Center and to the associations of physical, visual and hearing impaired students, with support of the Threshold Association in Finland.

5.HIV/AIDS and Disability: ECDD supports an informal network of disability and HIV/AIDS organizations in order to promote and facilitate the inclusionof persons with disabilities affected by HIV/AIDS in mainstream prevention, care and support services.

6.Children with Disabilities: ECDD is partnering with the African Child Policy Forum on research and other efforts to promote the rights of and opportunities for children with disabilities in Ethiopia.

7.Inclusive Family Planning and Reproductive Health Services: ECDD is partnering with the Packard Foundation (USA) and the Nia Foundation(Ethiopia) to train personnel of local family planning/reproductive health service providing organizations on how to make thier services accessible to women and girls with disabilities.

ECDD Contacts:

Mailing Address:

PO Box 1530 Code 1250
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.


Visiting Address:

Kirkos Sub city, Kebele 02/03, House no. 075
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Tel: +251/114/16/58/59
Fax: +251/114/16/58/49


Executive Director: Ms. Yetnebersh Nigussie

Mobile +251-911-231-174



Acting Abilis Facilitator: Mr.Tesfaye Geremew

Ethiopian Center for Disability and Development (ECDD)

Office Tel: +251115-545568/69

Mob: +251911-076783

Fax: +251115-545570

P.O.Box: 1530 Code 1250

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia


Assistant Facilitator: Ms. Bethel Shiferaw


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