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eNorthEast Award Categories

Categories for Nominations for 5theNorth East Award 2014:

1.  e-Governance & Citizen Services Delivery

ICT applications and practices that are having impact on better government performance, efficient citizen services delivery, improved functioning of departments within, improved flow of work, scaling up front and back end office works having direct and indirect impact on citizen services delivery are eligible for nomination in this category.  Nominations are eligible from public and industry sectors whose ICT applications including e-Governance practices have ensured scaling up of governance process with necessary transformations.

2. e-Infrastructure

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) applications, hardware and software based, deployed to create digital infrastructure including knowledge and information networks to drive all round socio-economic changes and growth in North East Region are eligible to apply. Such deployment must be key enabler for the information and knowledge society development and facilitation in the Region. E-Infrastructure comprises tools, facilities and resources that are needed for advanced collaboration and includes integration of various technologies such as Internet broadband channels, computing power, bandwidth provisioning, data storage, grid based resource sharing etc.   

3.  e-Learning & Education 

ICT applications and practices that have brought in desired changes in learning, teaching; changes brought in tools, methods; changes brought in learning and teaching pedagogy; changes in education management are eligible to file their nominations for this category.  Nominations are invited from educational institutions, agencies, industry units, civil society agencies whose work have led to significant and visible impact in the educational domain using ICTs.

4.  e-Health

ICT applications and practices that have brought transformation in the way health services are being accessed by citizens, managed, delivered, and streamlined across departments, health centres, and hospitals are eligible for nomination in this category. Nominations are invited from government; private and civil society agencies whose work has led to visible changes in the way health services are managed and delivered.

 5. e-Livelihood & Enterprise

ICT applications and practices that have led to streamlining economic services, livelihood and enterprise management, promoted new avenues for income generation, led to employment generation are eligible to apply in this category. Nominations are invited from public, private, civil society agencies and enterprises whose ICT applications have brought in desired changes in the promoting livelihood, entrepreneurship and income generation.

6. e-Commerce & Business  

ICT applications and practices that have led to a new means and channels for commerce and business promotion, helping strengthen the demand and supply chain of products and services in the region using ICT tools including internet and mobile applications are eligible to apply in this category. Nominations are invited from practitioners whose work has defined new means and opportunity of commerce and business promotion in the region.

7. e-Culture & Heritage

ICT applications and practices that have led to a new means of preserving rich and pristine culture and heritage of the region using ICT means in the region are eligible to apply in this category. Nominations are invited from practitioners whose work has defined new means and platforms to preserve age old cultural and heritage artifacts, practices, icons, crafts and so on.

8. e-Environment & Tourism

ICT applications and practices that have led to promotion and preservation of the rich and invaluable natural ecosystem of region using ICT means are eligible in this category. Applications and practices that have led to news ways of projecting and populating the rich tourism destinations of the region are eligible to apply in this category. Nominations are invited from practitioners whose work has defined new means of environmental protection and promotion of nature rich tourism in the region.

9. e-News& Media  ICT applications and practices that have led to a new and alternative means for news and media reporting using ICT tools including internet and mobile applications in the region are eligible to apply in this category. Nominations are invited from practitioners whose work has defined new means of news and media in the region

10.  e-Entertainment

ICT applications and practices that have led to a new means for promotion and experience in entertainment using ICT tools including internet and mobile applications in the region are eligible to apply in this category. Nominations are invited from practitioners whose work has defined new means of entertainment in the region.

11. e-Inclusion

Any meaningful and relevant ICT applications that caters to specific information and services needs of socially excluded communities in the North East Region, like the differently abled, tribal groups and communities, minorities and any such socially, economically and culturally excluded communities are eligible to apply for this category. This category is also open to ICT and digital efforts in financial inclusion of economically excluded groups and communities.

12. Mobiles for Services Delivery
Nominations are invited from public, private, civil society initiatives in using mobile phones to deliver information, services, enabling monitoring and tracking of programmes, mobiles facilitating inter-personal communication in activities, mobiles enabling effective front end services delivery through training and handholding of front line workers and in other interventions.

~ ngoportal Last date 31st August 2014

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