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Training Institutes

Three day training program on “Motivating Strategies towards Empowering Communities

BalaVikasa PDTC is extremely happy to announce a Three day Training program on ‘Motivating Strategies towards Empowering Communities’ from 17-19 February, 2016 and one day seminar on ‘Promoting your organistion through social Media Tools’ on 20th February, 2016 at BalaVikasa PDTC, Warangal, Telangana.(BalaVIkasa PDTC is located 150 kms from Hyderabad the capital city of Andhra Pradesh)

Introduction: Motivation is a drive to attain our goals and objectives both in personal, professional and at organisational levels. Communication plays an important role in understanding our own selves, others and communities in accomplishing the planned tasks.  We need to apply creative methods and strategies to make people understand their issues, identify their strength and resources, acquire skills to get empowered.

Group and mass media, electronic and non-electronic media, internet and social media, all have to be employed in the process of social change, to create awareness among people and to expose social issues to the world and decision makers so that appropriate policies can be brought about for the development of people.

The proposed workshop plans to equip the participants with an understanding on the power of Motivation, Communication and Media and how to handle them, how to mobilise people to bring about development in the society.

Course content:

  • Motivation
  • Communication                                                      
  • Group and mass media
  • Internet and social media
  • Community radio
  • Campaign strategies
  • Creative games and techniques
  • Development communication initiatives across the world
  • Production and use of selected development communication materials
  • Application of NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) techniques in development activities
Who can participate:Heads of organisations, institutions and departments, Leaders and animators of social movements and All interested in development and social change. 

Resource person: Dr.Magimai Pragasam has over 25 years of experience in the field of Development Communication. He is a professional journalist, film maker, trainer and researcher. He completed his communication studies at the University of Leeds, UK, Social Communication at the University ofLyon, France, Film studies at Xavier Institute of Communication, Mumbai and Journalism at   Mysore University. He completed two Master’s Degrees in Sociology and Communication at Mysore and Alagappa Universities. He is a certified Master Practitioner of NLP from FNLP, Florida, USA. He offers training on NLP, Communication and Development related topics in India and abroad. He has produced several short films and written books in Communication.

Methodology: Short lectures, Group exercises, Presentations and Video analysis. Participatory methodology will be followed throughout the workshop with interactive sessions and discussions.

Language: English

Award of Certificate: The participants will be awarded a certificate of participation on conclusion of the course.

Program Cost: The total program cost is Rs.5000. But in order to encourage and support Indian NGO’s we are providing 50% scholarship. Each participant will pay only INR 2500 which includes food and accommodation (on three sharing basis). This amount should be sent by DD drawn in favour of “BalaVikasa People Development Training Centre” and dispatch the same by post / courier.

For further details, please refer to the attached prospectus or contact Ms. Sunitha Reddy on 91-9849844868 / 9849165890 or 91-870-2453255.

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