FCRA Related
Online Registration for Prior Permission
Prior Permission: Earlier NGOs used to apply for Prior Permission (see article on how to apply for Prior Permission http://www.ngoportal.org/article-52-Prior+Permission.html ) by filling up the form manually and sent alongwith required documents However, now from 1st August 2008 onwards, NGOs needs to apply for Prior Permission on line. The process is as follows: First you need to go to the site and create your account if you have not done already (If you have created your username and password already then you use them to go inside). See the following link. FCRA Prior Permission Regn Online Once this is done, then you need to fill in the form online and the link for filling this is given below: Download Instructions to fill in Prior Permission Form once this is done, you need to take a print out and send along with required documents by registered post to Ministry of Home Affairs as per the guidelines given in the above links. Also see:
FCRA+Online+Registration Online+Registration+for+Prior+Permission FCRA-exemptedAgenciesUN and other agencies Online+Regn+for+accepting+Foreign+Hospitality
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