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Workshop against human wildlife conflict focusing on “Leopard protection”

Invitation to a workshop against human wildlife conflict focusing on “Leopard protection” for the state of Gujarat

This is an open invitation to all NGO’s and Individuals working for leopard conservation/rescue to be a part of this first ever meet which would be one of its kind where in forest department; NGOs and individuals come together on a common platform to hold a discussion to overcome theunpleasant events taking place when human animal conflicts happen. We all value animal life equal to human lives so lost at either side raises concern. We hope that this meet brings new horizons to a collective positive effort wherein fauna
finds a safer habitat not fearing humans and vice versa.

Since we would have important forest officials as a part of this prestigious meet time frame has to be respected. We would much appreciate if participants avoid introduction and achievement stories and would
concentrate on the major points of discussion such as :-

*Causes of Conflicts (region specific if any)/ Observation/ Preventive measures
* Onsight handling of the victim and safety precautions
*Technical support by Forest department (Suggestions if any)
*Measures to be taken in a human wildlife interface

The program schedule is…

Date: 09th April, 2016
Time: 10.00am to 05.00pm
Venue: Serenity Library and Botanical Garden, Koteshwar – Bhat
road, B/H, Apollo hospital, Ahmedabad.
Last date of registration is: 05 April., 2016

This meet is taking place with the co operation of Forest department with the best understanding that they are putting in their best efforts;
suggestions and cooperation are most welcome but condemning will be dealt with strictly.
To be a part of this meet please contact:
Mr. Manish Vaidya

B-60, Harshnagar Society| D-Cabin | Ahmedabad
State of Gujarat Pin:- 380 019. INDIA
Mobile: +91 09898395517 | +91 09429366952

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